Highlights ÉIVV

École in Vino Veritas is the only WSET accredited, fully bilingual, Sommelier training and Wine Business School endowed with research mandates operating at Graduate level in Canada.

Created five years ago, in 2012, In Vino Veritas Wine Business School is a success story.

Our story in numbers: 12-9-6-3, 3-2, 112-9-6-3: Since the beginning In Vino Veritaacademic research papers have been presented on twelve occasions, in nine cities, in sixth countries, on three continents.3-2: Medias in three countries have been writing about In Vino Veritas and the American Association of Wine Economists has distinguished two of our research papers.1: Its academic and business research endeavours led In Vino Veritas to gain the recognition of being the only fully bilingual (French & English) WSET accredited Wine Business School in Canada operating at Graduate level.Partnering with UBC (University of British Columbia) and Bordeaux Kedge Business School, here are a few events where we have accepted an invitation to submit a paper and make a presentation:

  • AAWE (American Association of Wine Economists) 2016 Bordeaux conference
  • Wine 2 Wine business seminar 2015 Verona conference
  • EuAWE (European Association of Wine Economists) 2014 Lyon conference
  • AWBR (Academy of Wine Business Research) 2014 Geisenheim conference
  • AWBR (Academy of Wine Business Research) 2013 Brock University conference
  • AAWE (American Association of Wine Economists) 2013 Stellenbosch conference